Mission Statement
The Mission of Generation Red Road, Inc. is to revitalize and promote inter-generational healing by utilizing Indigenous teachings that provide harmony for individuals, families and communities.
Red Road for Youth provides a safe environment for participants to identify communication styles that encourage healthy expression, exploration of self-identity. Youth participants will be guided through lessons on the impacts of alcohol and drugs on the mind, body and spirit.
A cognitive & experiential curriculum on Native American/Indigenous Philosophies activating the spirit for individuals, families and communities. Adult participants will be guided through lessons on the impacts of alcohol and drugs on the mind, body and spirit.
NextGen Restorative Justice utilizes Indigenous Way of Life as the means to reaffirm, repair and rebuild relationships. By honoring relationships of mutual respect, engaging community and honoring inter-connectedness of all beings; Restorative Justice & Peacemaking Circles provide healing.
Generation Red Road is a Native American Non-Profit
Exclusively developed for charitable, educational and technical assistance purposes including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
NextGen Recovery workshops and seminars have been presented at schools, universities, prisons, treatment centers, business corporations and many other forms of healing gatherings. These have taken place in 45 states in the US and in provinces in Canada. NextGen Recovery materials and teachings are being utilized throughout the world.